(808) 263-ROCK (7625)
Items to
If you would like to sign up to bring food to this event click here for the sign up sheet! We're definitely in need of a lot of baked good and what a better way to show off your skills by donating your creations.
Baked Goods
Cooked Rice
Water bottles​
If you're favorite thing to is thrift, get deals, search on Facebook Marketplace or Offerup, this list is definitely for you.
We need your help finding these items and of course any other decorations that you think will add to our Special Bethlehem Market!
*All items are due December 8th
Baskets: 50+
Sheets: 30+
Warm Christmas Lights (Green wire): 30+
Palm Leaves (dried or green): 30+
Bamboo Matts: 6-10
Popsicle Sticks​: 100
If you would like to contribute to this exciting event happening at The Rock Hawaii, click here!
We so appreciate anything you can give.